Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week 8- The Gaze Part 1

One photographer who employs the gaze in an interesting way is Shizuka Yokomizo.  In her series, Stranger, she sends an anonymous letter to her subject asking them to stand beside their windows at a particular date and time, at which point Yokomizo shows up for a few moments, photographs, and leaves.  She asks that her subjects leave all the lights on, wear their normal clothes, and since she normally photographs at night- the subjects can only see her vague outline outside their windows.  The final images show the outline of the windows and curtains which further the distance between the viewer and the subject.
This type of work best exhibits the most traditional view of the gaze produced by Laura Mulvey.  The viewer or photographer in this case has power over the person they are looking at.  The subjects are performing for the camera and are therefore in a position of vulnerability.  While there is also a gaze being exchanged in the subject looking out at the photographer- the photographer is still the one with the power.  

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