Monday, May 11, 2009

Good Enough.

It entertains me to no end that Kurt and I sit next to each other on our highly uncomfortable couch each with our macs. Well, Kurt actually has two macs out right now... if we were fighting some sort of computer battle, he would definitely win.

Do to popular request, I have decided to share one of my pearls of wisdom of successful making out. Just to clarify, sitting around making such lists is not something I typically do... except when I have a broken back and have to sit at home for three months... believe me, you'd start doing all kinds of kooky things too.
#5 Choose carefully when dealing with a pack of hot men. You must pick one. Making out with more than one guy from the same group is just bad for business. We're not in undergrad anymore, so make sure you pick right the first time.

On to more serious things... sort of. One article that I've read in the past few months that really fascinated me was this:
Amusingly enough, this article was actually sent to me by my ex-boyfriend. Basically, the author of this talks about how we often idealize what another person is capable of providing for us. I've been thinking a lot over the past year about what I want both out of my own life and what I want from someone else. I think it's important to know what your 'truths' are and stick to those, but you can be flexible on many things in your life. Americans are too idealistic and while I don't intend to ever 'settle' for someone- I think I do recognize that another person probably won't fulfill everything. That's why you have family and friends and hobbies.

I obviously don't have it all figured out but these are what I know my truths are so far....
1) Love of travel and new things. I like adventures, and it's probably important to be with someone who thinks that spending money and time on crazy endeavors is a good idea.
This sort of goes along with it... but a natural curiosity about the world is good too. I don't think I'll ever raise alpacas... but I hope whomever I'm with at least finds it amusing.
2) Belief in a higher power. I'm not sure what this means yet. I don't know... I'm just not a fan of the title Christian anymore although I would use it to describe myself. I don't like the way Christianity has become a closed social club, and so many people seem to forget that we were asked to love one another, not to judge. My philosophy can be summed up by 'penguin sex.' But that's a whole other post in itself.
3) Motivated, driven, dedicated to bettering oneself through education, job, or some sort of hobby/passion. Being a slacker is probably my number one turnoff.
4) Outgoing. I want to be with someone who I could leave with a group of people they've just met (and also isn't afraid of my family.)
5) I am staying in the northeast. or maybe moving to another country. Unless someone provides me with really really excellent reasons for going elsewhere- and the funding to fly home and visit a lot.
I know there's lots more... but that's it for now!
*side note... I read this paragraph in the book Eat, Pray, Love and it made me think of a certain someone. I think it accurately describes what our relationship was and also why it was so hard for me to let go of it.
"A true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that’s holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever. Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it."

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